Oct 12, 2014

Twenty-Seven and Still O.K.

This week can only be described as rich. It was packed full of intensive lecture, outdoor adventure, deepening relationships, and hope for the future. 

We started our lecture series on "Sin, Repentance, and the Cross". I know...heavy stuff. But our speaker and his wife delivered their message with such grace and such true character of God we could not help but want to get rid of junk and really focus on God's call for our lives. It was so powerful to watch all our fellow DTSrs and leaders alike be moved by the Holy Spirit in such loving and humbling ways. 

Our guest lecturer, Johnny Dixon and his wife Tracy, visited us from their home YWAM base at the Kings Lodge in England. They were such an influence on Justin and I as they have raised all six of their kids in YWAM and had so many nuggets of wisdom about being in missions as a family.  Needless to say, we are looking forward to they day we will see them again. 

We celebrated my birthday on Sunday! That was a blast :)  Justin spoiled me yet again with breakfast in bed, flowers, cozy wool socks and a beautiful wool sweater from the same little wool shop that I bought his cap from 7 years ago! We went to church, and made dinner and dessert together for the whole lot here and had a great evening.

Later this week we were  able to make our 20 week ultrasound appointment for tomorrow! If all goes well, we will know if we have a little girl or little boy in our midst! 

The last few days our team has been doing some training for our local outreach, CEF. Childrens Evangelism Fellowship works with several local curches to help bring the gospel to young children through weekly "youth group" settings and week long "day camp" settings. We are really looking forward to spending more time with the local kids and working with the leaders who put it all together. Brian and Helen, who head up most of the work with CEF, invited us all into their home for training, took us all hiking up Mt. Knocknerea and overfed us all with homemade Irish lamb stew and about 5 desserts (aka why doesnt America have honeycomb ice cream?!)

We  were also able to play with their puppy, Fudge, and make fools of ourselves harassing thier neighboring cows. 

So, all in all, such a great week. So much learned. We really are overwhelmed by how much our God loves us. We are so excited for the things God is doing, how He is using us all, where we will go. We are falling more in love with Jesus everyday. It's hard to imagine walking away from this experience and not spending our lives devoted to sharing about who He is with the world. 

For now, we are taking this journey one step at a time...

and loving every moment

Some prayer requests:

For grace as we continue to serve, that we would be as impactful to this community as possible. 

As the local churches grow, that they would be "Characterized by the presence of God" in the words of a local minister. 

That the heart for tradition wouldn't overrule the heart for making room for change through the Holy Spirit. That there would be balance and appreciation for both aspects in the local churches. 

That the Lord would provide financially for the rest of school, as well as the rest of the students still needing provision. 

For our local outreaches and eventual Moroccan outreach, that we would be effecve and that God would equip us for every interaction. 

Aaaaaand last but not least...some lingo for ya 😉

In America "Would you like to have some tea?" (aka-a noun, or beverage)
In Ireland "Did you have a nice tea?" (aka- a verb, in place of the word "meal") 

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